Monday, June 21, 2010

Inspiration - from ideas to programs

Inspiration is a great program that I hope to be able to take advantage of in my own classroom. I love the concept of taking words and placing them in picture format. Often with special education students they have trouble visualizing interrelations of ideas. In my classroom I find myself drawing concept maps, Venn diagrams, pictures, charts, etc many times each day. Inspiration would be a great tool to integrate into our reading program to help with visualization of concepts. The reading program used in our class often has students create charts and map of ideas around topics of stories. They make concept maps of ideas and characteristics of characters in stories, vacations, settings, etc. Including Inspiration as a part of this program would be very beneficial. The teacher can make a sample map for the students and begin a map for the classroom. Then students can work on the map, taking turns editing and adding ideas until completed. This idea integreates Inspiration technology and better team work into the classroom.

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