Thursday, June 17, 2010

Copyright and Educators

Copyright can have many implications on teachers. Working in a classroom I quickly assume that I can pull things I find online and use them as long as I cite my sources. In studying copyright I have learned that it is NOT that simple. There is much research and time spent in making sure that fair use is practiced and fair for all - educators and producers alike. Educators should be aware of the copyright laws and make sure that their students are practicing fair use in their multimedia presentations. This can be tedious, but worthwhile. As a future educator before asking children to search the internet and create multimedia presentations I will conduct a small seminar on copyright law and make sure they have a full and accurate understanding of what they are allowed to use and how they must use it.

Schools should also be more cognizant of informing their teachers about copyright law. It would be a great short seminar to begin the year. If the schools make sure that the teachers understand the laws then they are protecting themselves and their staff.

Teachers need to be aware of what they are allowed to use from the internet and how they are allowed to use it. I feel like awareness of copyright in schools is low among teachers at this point in time. Teachers often don's know what they are allowed to use and how they must use it. Raising awareness among staff in schools will help ensure appropriate use of copyrighted information that benefits the creator, teacher, and students.

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