Monday, June 28, 2010

"Digital Divide"

I believe that there really is a "digital divide" today. It spans across not only genders and SESs but also generations. The articles, especially the article disussing the gender issues surrounding technology really got me to thinking about my own school. The majority of the staff members in our school are female and do not consider themselves "tech savvy." They can do the basic e-mail, powerpoint, microsoft word, and internet but their knowledge of other educational technologies seems to fall very short. They also seem to be very unwilling to learn about these new technologies. I think this unwillingness comes from a place where women do not feel as comfortable with technology as men because they are not as interested in it. This only does a disservice to the children. Women are often afraid to break through barriers of discomfort and struggle with unknown tasks. I feel its very important for women in education to willingly dive in and explore technology for the benefit of their students.

I also notice in my own work place a digital divide among the generations. Younger staff members are much more willing to integrate new technology into the classroom to better their teaching habits, while older staff members feel they "don't get" technology and stick by a mindset claiming "you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

I feel that a solution to these types of problems can come from more educational technology trainings in schools. If teachers know what technology is available to them and how to best use these technologies they will become better teachers. Technology can be very dauting, but if school administrations work to help increase comfort levels with technology teachers will feel more comfortable using the tools available and the students will flourish.

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