Thursday, July 1, 2010


Above is the link to my Digital Portfolio for MD 400. I worked on many projects such as a digital story, podcast, digital image, and concept map. We used programs such as PhotoShop, PhotoStory 3, Inspiration, and Audacity. I really had a great time. This class has changed the way in which I think about using technology in my classroom. I am much more open to the ways in which using many of these technologies will increase my students understanding of academic materials and concepts. The technology was very easy to use and I look forward to using it in my own classroom this fall!


  1. I haven't looked at your website before today; I really enjoyed that you spoke from a student's perspective on special education in your photostory. I think you had a lot of valid points about the reality that students in special education face, and you're right - the voices in the background really added a lot to the feeling that the students are forgotten. I also think the photoshopped images were great! Seems like it took you some time, but the effect is very professional-looking. All in all, I think your portfolio is very complete and I enjoyed reading it!

  2. I really enjoyed watching your digital essay on children with special needs. I have been working with these types of children, as well, for about 9 years now. I agree with you that many decisions are made both about them, and for them, without their consent or input. I liked how you included this idea into your story. It was like you gave them a voice, which is really great. I also liked how you discussed that teachers often don't want to be bothered by these types of children, and really don't give them a fair chance. I have seen these countless times over the years, and it truly is heartbreaking.

  3. The first thing you notice in this website is the use of color in very creative ways. This goes right along with what Katie says about fashion trends and her eye for attractive designs, which add to the whole feel of the site. I like the way in which the philosophy of technology in education takes you on a personal journey that goes from frustration to an awareness of possibilities. I thought the first-person approach to the digital story is powerful and effective. This is a very creative and interesting website to read and learn from.

  4. Great content, well-written and expressed. I liked how you tried to include relevant images on each of your pages. The digital images you created using photoshop are awesome...much more advanced than most! I particularly liked your digital story. You are clearly passionate about special education, and you artistically and effectively conveyed your thoughts, well done.

  5. I love your idea about having your student’s blogging as a way of integrating homework into their use of the computer, which they are on so often anyway. I enjoyed reading your philosophy and how far you’ve come in your ideas about technology and special education. I agree with you that the biggest problem with technology in education is that teachers are unwilling to use it or try new things or that sometimes it doesn’t work. I really enjoyed your Photoshop project. This was the one program that I was least able to see myself using in the classroom but I can see how it can be used…so creative. I really enjoyed your non-linear Powerpoint. I think it’s the best one I’ve seen and I love, love, love the digital story… what a poignant reminder that special education students are people. Great job!!

  6. The story was very well presented on the “Forgotten Child” in the daily school environment that allowed the listener to enter into the zone of the child. I was intrigue with the expression on how the parents, teachers and peers perceived and felt about the exceptional learner in the classroom. Which left the listener thinking about how the child was contemplating the educational environment… what are they thinking about me and what do they want me to do? Almost a helpless feeling yet searching for that loud voice within to let the world know that their name is not a category or disability. The photo, colors, background voices instead of music was a neat idea and created the feeling of being in the environment but not participating. But maybe an image of a child walking away (backside) from the classroom door or down an empty hallway, could have added a stronger human touch to the story. Overall good voice pattern, great story, like the passion and if the goal was to make the listener think the forgotten child was lonesome, then the point came across well.
